
336 results

Absorbing DiRT: Tool Directories in the Digital Age
Absorbing DiRT: Tool Directories in the Digital Age

Kaitlyn Grant, Quinn Dombrowski, Kamal Ranaweera, Omar Rodriguez-Arenas, Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell

2020-06-03 Volume 10 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Volume 10

Also a part of:

Collection: Congress 2018

Tagging Time and Space: TEI and the Canadian Stratford Festival Promptbooks
Tagging Time and Space: TEI and the Canadian Stratford Festival Promptbooks

Jennifer Roberts-Smith, Mark Kaethler, Toby Malone, Liza Giffen, Martin Holmes, Janelle Jenstad and Joseph Takeda

2019-05-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2019 • Volume 9 • 9

Also a part of:

Collection: Congress 2017

Introduction to a Class-based Online Writing Environment: Gwrit (Game of Writing)
Introduction to a Class-based Online Writing Environment: Gwrit (Game of Writing)

Jinman Zhang, Geoffrey Rockwell, Roger Graves, Heather Graves, Mark McKellar and Kamal Ranaweera

2019-04-16 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2019 • Volume 9 • 5

Also a part of:

Collection: Congress 2017